
5 Ways You Can Be There For An Endosister

During our various phases in life, we all need help. It may be as simple as a reassuring hug, or as extreme as a financial bailout. Regardless of the magnitude, it surely assisted us in getting back on track.

Endometriosis is one of those diseases that has a profound impact on a woman’s life and she will require help and support regardless of what stage she has been diagnosed.

Heart CloudAs mentioned across this site, research has shown that this chronic disease affects one in ten women. To many this seems like a small probability, but globally this number equates to approximately 176 million women. This then means that a large number of households are gravely affected. In such instances, family members and friends are the only ones who can help their mother, wife, sister, aunt, or friend cope with this debilitating disease.

The following are 5 ways to lend support to Endosisters worldwide:

In many instances, what men on earth fail to accomplish, God makes possible. Prayer gives faith, and renews hope in situations that seem dull. As a confidant that has direct influence, introduce prayer to the affected sister. You may never know how her perceptions of the situation at hand can change for the better.

Give a listening ear to the affected Endosister. There is no better feeling than to know that we have someone who will always hear us when we call. All those bottled-up emotions will have a place to go and somewhat ease the heavy burdens of Endometriosis.

Like everyone else, Endosisters want to hear that they are strong and that they can get through it. It has been proven by psychiatrists that cheering someone on gives them the extra strength that they need. Encourage and support them in everything they do!

Most of us can relate to a female heading the household or simply taking care of the entire family. As in most cases, Endometriosis cripples a woman and makes it extremely difficult for her to carry out regular daily duties. As a family member, it would be prudent to help out by carrying out some of those same duties that she normally would. The fewer things that the affected Endosister has to do is the less burdened she will become, and this inevitably increases her chances of coping with the disease.

The importance of money in facilitating quality health care cannot be overemphasized. As such, Endosisters need as much monetary assistance as they can get. It will go a long way if you are in a position to offer monetary assistance to an Endosister in need. Most treatments and surgeries are extremely expensive and typically put a huge financial strain on those affected.

No matter who you are in society, you have a role to play in order to ensure that all our Endosisters are supported in their fight against the disease. Any little you can do helps, Endosisters worldwide are counting on your support.

Article Contributed by Shawn Richards
Shawn Richards is a student at The Mico University College pursuing a B.Sc. in Business Education. His hobbies include writing, philanthropy and debating. Email feedback to [email protected].

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