Read Jacqui’s Endo Story below…
After a year, there was no improvement and I started having problems passing my stools. I was now living in Kingston so a friend recommended Dr Frederick. I went to see him, he sent me for an ultrasound. He said my endometriosis had spread and I needed surgery. He went in and to his dismay there were lesions on my ovaries, bowels, fallopian tubes, etc. He had to remove these lesions and then he put me on an NSAID that cost three quarters of my monthly salary each month.
Thankfully, this worked after taking this medication for a year.
About 6 years later I moved to the UK and the endometriosis showed up again. It wasn’t painful but I was never able to get pregnant. Eventually I was diagnosed with uterine fibroids, when I developed heavy, painful periods again. Finally, after medication which affected my eyesight, I opted for a hysterectomy eight years ago and God knows that I have been pain-free since then.
During my endometriosis years I discovered that it was a genetic condition, as I realised that a number of my cousins and aunts also had this condition…… my daughter has it…

Each story is unique and it takes a lot of courage to share. The comments are open below so we can all learn through each others experiences. Please be kind in your responses below.